Graduate students

Micah Watanabe, Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Psychology, Arizona State University

Micah Watanabe is a graduate student at Arizona State University. He graduated with a degree in instructional technology from Drexel University in 2017. His research interests are in intelligent tutoring systems and the development of reading and writing processes in children.

Contact: [email protected]

Linh Huynh, Graduate Student, Department of Psychology, Arizona State University

Linh Huynh is a graduate student in the Department of Psychology at ASU. Her broad research interests include reading comprehension and promoting meaningful learning from texts. She is also interested in applying technology to enhance teaching and learning, as well as helping readers become more critical when reading texts on the internet. 

Contact: [email protected]

Katerina Christhilf, Graduate Student, Department of Psychology, Arizona State University

Katerina Christhilf is a graduate student in the Department of Psychology at ASU. She is interested in how educational technologies can be used to facilitate students’ development of literacy skills. 

Contact: [email protected]


Cecile Perret, MA, Graduated July 2021, Cognitive Science, Department of Psychology, Arizona State University

Laura Allen, PhD, Graduated May 2017, Cognitive Science, Department of Psychology, Arizona State University

Currently an Professor at the University of Minnesota.

Erica Snow, PhD, Graduated December 2015, Cognitive Science, Department of Psychology, Arizona State University

Currently a Director of Analytics at Roblox

Jennifer Weston, PhD, Graduated December 2015, Cognitive Science, Department of Psychology, Arizona State University

Currently a Research Associate at RMC Corporation.

Russell Brandon, MA, Graduated December 2013, Cognitive Science, Department of Psychology, Arizona State University