Science of Learning and Educational Technology (SoLET)
SoLET Lab at Arizona State University
The Science of Learning and Educational Technology (SoLET) Lab, directed by Danielle S. McNamara, conducts interdisciplinary research and technology development to enhance educational practice. Members of the SoLET lab seek to understand and model the multiple factors that influence comprehension and learning and use this theoretical foundation to improve educational practice for various populations, including K-12 students, adults, second language learners, and Spanish speakers. Work in the SoLET lab integrates various approaches from psychology, linguistics, learning analytics, computer science, and education for the development of game-based, intelligent tutoring systems (e.g., iSTART, Writing Pal), the development of natural language processing tools (e.g., iSTART, Writing Pal, Coh-Metrix, T.E.R.A., SiNLP, TAALES, TAACO), and to conduct basic research to better understand various processes involved in comprehension, learning, and writing. SoLET is housed in the Institute for the Science of Teaching and Learning (ISTL) at Arizona State University.
The SoLET Lab has created a website for teachers, parents, and students to access iSTART and Writing Pal for free. Visit Adaptive Literacy for more information and to sign-up.